About us
Insursight.ai is a special interest group focusing on artificial intelligence solutions tailored for insurance and finance problems, gathered under KUIS-AI Lab, a Koc University and Isbank...
Our Vision
At Insursight.ai, we provide insurance stakeholders value adding solutions by putting Risk, Process and Distribution to the core of our focus. We solve the problems of the domain by utilizing state-of-art AI models, ...
What We Do
Insursight.ai provides Problem Driven AI Solutions to finance and insurance domains. Our predictive analytics solutions span a wide range in these domains, ...
Insurance Unit Economics
Challenge & Pain Points: Data-driven decision-making and execution are key to the underwriter’s success. In today’s world, the models driving the execution of the business must be dynamic and based on basic units. Execution models towards decreasing costs and increasing revenue, should be built upon these units. Unit economics is the discipline of measuring profitability on a…
Smart Costing & Pricing
Challenge & Pain Points: Insurance is about calculable risks. Irrespective of the insurer’s business (pricing) objectives, it is not possible to sustain a viable operation without an accurate estimation of the monetary risk (cost) and its distribution over the insurer’s liability period. Traditional approaches such as statistical frequency-severity modeling, or GLMs are limited with inherent…
AI Driven Claims Underwriting
Challenge & Pain Points: Claims processing has multiple aspects including claims data extraction, fast vs investigative track (fraudulent claims) segmentation and actuarial policy compliance to name the foremost ones. Accuracy throughout the claims underwriting is the key to profitability. Though accuracy in costing and pricing is a prerequisite, profitability cannot be achieved without fast and…
Churn Predictor
Challenge & Pain Points: Attracting new customers is much more costly than keeping existing ones. Accurately predicting whether a customer is likely to cancel their policy, or not renew it, is thus a highly valuable capability for an insurance provider. If a crystal ball could show which customers are considering leaving, one could attempt to change…